Mengapa Big Bang adalah seniman yang sah dan bukan hanya bertindak lain Hallyu
Male group Big Bang has successfully differentiated themselves from many Korean artists debuting in Japan by relying on their raw talents alone. Male kelompok Big Bang telah berhasil berbeda dari banyak artis Korea memulai debutnya di Jepang dengan mengandalkan bakat mentah mereka sendiri. Consequently, many believe that the group is leading the new wave of male Hallyu stars because they have firmly established themselves as legitimate artists in Japan. Akibatnya, banyak yang percaya bahwa kelompok memimpin gelombang baru bintang Hallyu laki-laki karena mereka telah mapan diri sebagai seniman yang sah di Jepang.
The group performed at the “ Seoul Tokyo Music Festival ” on November 3rd, held at the Saitama Super Arena. Kelompok yang dilakukan di "Tokyo Seoul Music Festival" pada tanggal 3 November, diadakan di Saitama Super Arena. The festival was created to celebrate SBS ’s 20th anniversary, and was a collaboration effort with Japan's TBS . Festival ini diciptakan untuk merayakan SBS 'ulang tahun ke-20, dan merupakan upaya kolaborasi dengan's TBS Jepang.
Over 16,000 fans in their teens and 20's gathered to see the performances by Korean artists, but Big Bang's stage managed to garner the hottest response. Lebih dari 16.000 penggemar di remaja mereka dan 20 yang berkumpul untuk melihat pertunjukan oleh seniman Korea, tetapi tahap Big Bang berhasil menggalang respon terpanas.
A representative of the festival verified Big Bang's popularity by stating, “ The 'Seoul Tokyo Music Festival' was very much like a personal 'Big Bang Concert. '” While other artists performed 2-3 tracks at most, Big Bang sang a total of five. Seorang wakil dari festival tersebut diverifikasi Big Bang popularitas dengan menyatakan, "'Tokyo Seoul Music Festival' adalah The sangat mirip sebuah pribadi 'Big Bang Konser.'" Sementara artis lain yang dilakukan 2-3 track paling banyak, Big Bang menyanyikan total lima.
Their success can be seen in other areas as well. Keberhasilan mereka dapat dilihat di daerah lain juga.
Their ' Big Show Big Bang Live Concert 2010 ' DVD sold 15,000 copies in the first week of its release, and ranked first in the weekly charts for music DVDs. Mereka 'Big Show Big Bang Live Concert 2010' DVD terjual 15.000 kopi di minggu pertama peluncurannya, dan menduduki peringkat pertama di tangga lagu mingguan untuk DVD musik. Its predecessor, the ' 2009 Big Bang Live Concert Big Show ' DVD, also achieved similar results. Its pendahulunya, yang '2009 Big Bang Live Concert Big Show' DVD, juga meraih hasil yang sama. Additionally, the group's first official photo book, ' Big Bang Presents Electric Love Tour 2010 ,' locked down a #1 position on Oricon ’s photo book ranking. Selain itu, pertama resmi kelompok buku foto, Big Bang Hadirkan Electric Love Tour 2010, 'terkunci' menuruni posisi # 1 di foto buku 'peringkat Oricon.
When we consider their musical achievements, Big Bang's debut single last year ranked third place on the 'Oricon Daily Chart', while their latest Japanese single, “ Beautiful Hangover “, ranked at fifth place on the day of its release. Ketika kita mempertimbangkan prestasi musik mereka, single perdana tahun terakhir Big Bang tempat peringkat ketiga pada 'Oricon Daily Chart', sementara Jepang single terbaru mereka, Beautiful Hangover ", peringkat" di tempat kelima pada hari peluncurannya. Indeed, all of Big Bang's Japanese releases landed in the 'top five' category. Memang, semua rilis Jepang Big Bang mendarat di kategori 'lima besar'.
Big Bang never received a rookie award in Korea, but received one in Japan on May 29th at Tokyo's “ MTV World Stage Video Music Awards Japan ,” winning a total of three crowns. Big Bang pernah menerima penghargaan rookie di Korea, tetapi menerima satu di Jepang pada 29 Mei di Tokyo "Dunia Panggung MTV Video Music Awards Jepang," memenangkan total tiga mahkota.
A representative of their Japanese marketing team commented, “ Big Bang have been promoting themselves not as Hallyu stars, but as artists. Seorang wakil tim pemasaran Jepang mereka berkomentar, "Big Bang telah mempromosikan diri mereka bukan sebagai bintang Hallyu, tetapi sebagai seniman. Their strength comes from their high quality, highly talented performances. Kekuatan mereka berasal dari kualitas tinggi, sangat berbakat pertunjukan. They've never lived in Japan but consistently promoted for at least a week for each of their album releases. Mereka sudah pernah tinggal di Jepang tetapi konsisten dipromosikan selama setidaknya satu minggu untuk setiap rilis album mereka. The response from their Japanese fans are so amazing, that even we're surprised. ” Respon dari penggemar Jepang mereka begitu menakjubkan, yang bahkan kita terkejut. "
Big Bang will be returning to Korea with their participation in “ 2010 YG Family Concert ” on December 4th and 5th. Big Bang akan kembali ke Korea dengan partisipasi mereka dalam "2010 YG Family Concert" pada tanggal 4 dan 5.
Source + Photos: Osen Sumber + Foto: Osen
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